The larger cultural frame provides access to culture-specific mental models of man-woman relations, which is mapped on to masculine and feminine nouns to produce gender-based personification metaphors. The analysis shows how the cultural frame of patriarchy and ‘grammatical gender-biological sex’ mapping interact to create these gender metaphors. The present paper analyses the construction of three particular concepts (in Hindi) from contemporary Indian socio-political discourse – mehengaai (‘inflation‘ fem.), vikaas (‘development‘ masc.) and bhaasha (‘language‘ fem.) – in 10 texts, to study the role played by grammatical gender in the metaphorical construction of these concepts. Hindi has a two-gender system and the mapping of bio-logical sex and grammatical gender is strengthened by highly inflected sentence-structure which reinforces gender-marking all through the sentence and discourse. This paper is based on a study that explores the role of grammatical gender in the personification of abstract concepts in contemporary Indian political discourse where Hindi is the predominantly used language. This review will be useful to businesses and researchers interested in developing/benchmarking successful e-retail business model to win and sustain competition. National capital region and Bangalore are preferred locations for establishment of their headquarters. They operate with lean manpower and functional departmentalisation except Flipkart which employs massive 10,000 plus employees and prefers to recruit generalists. Their marketing strategy essentially includes social media and internet.

Due to FDI restrictions all top e-retailers under this study except HS18 prefer marketplace model in pure/hybrid form and earn revenue through transaction fee.

It is observed that online retail is a meager 0.5% of overall retail in India and future potential is huge. Six major e-retailers are compared on the basis of monthly traffic data obtained from.

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